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Hotel Rwanda :: A True Story

Hotel Rwanda :: A True Story

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Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Item #: 112000

Price: $14.99

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Once you find out what happened in Rwanda, you\'ll never forget. OscarÂ(r) nominee* Don Cheadle (Traffic) gives \"the performance of his career in this extraordinarily powerful\" (The Hollywood Reporter) and moving true story of one man\'s brave stance against savagery during the 1994 Rwandan conflict. Sophie Okonedo (Dirty Pretty Things) co-stars as the loving wife who challenges a good man to become a great man. As his country descends into madness, five-star-hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina (Cheadle) sets out to save his family. But when he sees that theworld will not intervene in the massacre of minority Tutsis, he finds the courage to open his hotelto more than 1,200 refugees. Now, with a rabid militia at the gates, he must use his well-honed grace, flattery and cunning to protect his guests from certain death. *2004: Actor, Hotel Rwanda


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