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Kinh Thanh Tron Bo Cuu Uuc va Tan Uoc Lm. Nguyen The Thuan

Kinh Thanh Tron Bo Cuu Uuc va Tan Uoc Lm. Nguyen The Thuan

Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Item #: 111826

Price: $58.00

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KINH THANH ban dinh cua Lm. Nguyen The Thuan- Dong chua cuu the.
Kinh Thanh co nhung ban do sao day.

1- Trung Dong thoi cac to phu
2- Tu Aicap ve Canaan
3- De quoc cua Davit va Salomon
4- De quoc Asyri
5- Cac de quoc vao 550
6- Hat Yude thoi Nehemya
7- Nuoc cua Alexai Yanai (9103-760)
8- Nuoc Phaletin thoi Chua Yesu
9- Galile va ho Tiberiat
10-Yerusalem thoi Chua Yesu
11-Hanh trinh cua Thanh Phaolo
12-Hilap va Tieu A thoi Tong do.

608 tran
sach day...2 1/2 inches
be ngan....5 5/8 inches
chieu cao..8 5/8 inches
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