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Saint Theres Devotional Chaplet

Saint Theres Devotional Chaplet

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Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Item #: 112048

Price: $10.95

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A line of chaplets for fans of this "personal devotional" form. There is no set form for a chaplet, and therefore they vary considerably - some have a strong Marian connotation, and some are more directly related to Jesus or the saints. These Milagros-exclusive chaplets feature full five-decade rosaries, as well as chaplets with fewer beads and a different set of prayers. Each bead set comes with a full-color chaplet prayer folder and a plastic sleeve for safe-keeping

Made from crushed rose petals from Spain, this chaplet represents St. Therese's legacy.
When she was close to death,she proclaimed that she would spend her life in heaven doing good for those on earth,and when she died, a shower of roses would fall, bringing God's graces to the faithful.
St.Therese of the child Jesus, Patroness of Missions... Pray for us. Glory be to the Father, etc., twenty-four times to honor each year of St. Therese,s life on earth, spent in perfect love and service to Almighty God. This devotion can be recited for nine days or for twenty-four days.


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