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St. Albert The Great

Albert the Great (Albert Magnus) is so-called because of his great learning and outstanding holiness. He was born in Germany of a noble family around 1206 and in his youth studied at the University of Padua. Albert joined the Dominican order and soon became renowned for both his holiness and his learning—he became a theologian, philosopher, and scientist. He wrote numerous treatises on natural science, theology, and philosophy and was an early advocate of experimental science. The saint became one of the leading professors of his day. He was the first to recognize the genius of Thomas Aquinas, then a shy young student and the two became close friends. After a lifetime of numerous achievements, Albert’s great intellectual powers began to wane; it is thought he suffered from some type of dementia. He died on November 15, 1280. Albert was canonized in 1931 and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI. His feast is November 15.

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