St. Hannibal Hannibal di Francia was born to aristocratic parents on July 5, 1851 in Messina, Italy. His father died when Hannibal was fifteen months old. Hannibal was devoted to the Eucharist and to Mary from an early age and at seventeen he decided to become a priest. He was ordained in 1878 and began working with the poor. He founded the Anthonian orphanages (named in honor of St. Anthony of Padua). To serve the poor he founded the Daughters of the Divine Zeal and the Rogationist priests; both orders were formally approved in 1926. He also began two groups to pray for vocations: the Pious Union of the Evangelical Rogation and the Holy Alliance and he published the magazine God and Neighbor. He was considered a saint during his life. He died June 1, 1927 at Messina. Today his two religious orders operate schools, orphanages, homes for aged, and a publishing ministry in various locations around the globe. He was canonized in 2004. St. Hannibal di Francia’s feast is June 1.