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St. Marie Magdalen Postel

The woman now known as Marie Magdalen Postel was born on November 28, 1756 in Barfleur, France. She was baptized as Julia Frances Catherine and educated by Benedictine nuns. At age eighteen she began a school for girls in her hometown. During the French Revolution, the school was closed. Julia Frances sheltered loyal priests in her house. When the 1801 Concordat between Napoleon and the Vatican allowed the French Catholics freedom of religion, she was able to teach children the Faith openly. She and three other teachers took vows in 1807. This was the beginning of her order the Sisters of Christian Schools of Mercy. Julia Frances took Marie Magdalen as her name in religion. She was named superior of the new order, which initially had to struggle to find a permanent home. The congregation flourished once they were established in the abbey of St. Sauveur le Vicomte. Maria Magdalen Postel lived to age ninety renowned for her holiness and died July 16, 1846. She was canonized in 1925. Her feast is July 16.

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